Saturday, March 04, 2006

Would you believe me?

If I told you that I love what I do, would you believe me?

I was sitting here in front of my workhorse of a computer (good ol' G4) -- just kind of making it a low profile Saturday night -- when I started looking at my work. I have almost finished JPGing my work, and since my level of production wasn't where it usually is (I mean c'mon, it's saturday night), I started two entirely new projects....just for fun.

By the time I finished, I was grinning from ear to ear.
All I could think was, "oh yeah, this is why you're a designer."

I don't mean that to be cocky...because I'll bet it comes across that way.
I just mean it as...well...I had a great time making two projects for fun. Sure, I could've been in Saybrook competing in a dart tournament like I've done so many times before....and we all know I could be bowling...or becoming more of a movie buff....but instead I sat in front of my computer and had a good time creating artwork, even if only for myself.

It was a nice reminder in this supposed "panic mode" that for as hard as we're being pushed right now, it's all worth it....
AND....there's a light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how faint it may be right now.

Just thought I'd share...


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