Sunday, February 26, 2006

"Organizing Isn't Sexy"

That title (and quote) is totally a ‘me’ line, isn’t it? Well, actually, I got it from chapter five in Designing A Digital Portfolio. While I don’t have a ton to say about organizing my work and how much WORK it is going to be, I do believe that it is important enough for its own post.

Baron gives us five things for a naming/organizing files…

1. Group
2. Name
3. Show
4. Weed
5. Backup

Well, back up your work. Duh.
Honestly, I think one of the first things I learned in my time at Quinnipiac is to back up my work. I suppose in a crazy way I owe them a huge thank you for corrupting some of my biggest files early on in my design career. Not only did it teach me to back up my files, but it also taught me how to use the keyboard commands to recreate the posters with speed—while still maintaining the quality of the first round.

As far as everything else is concerned, it’s really all about folders within folders.
Subfolders, that is.

At this stage of the game, I have to reorganize so that it will be easier in the future for me to not have to wade through a mound of cd’s to find what I want. However, I love the quote on the first page of chapter five which reads, Creatives aren’t supposed to be organized…it’s part of our mystique.


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