heh...something about presenting...
So let’s present these puppies already!!!
Baron suggests things that we should go through to test our websites…
They include:
-Test against our site maps
-Test on different computers
-Testing on different platforms
-Testing at Random places (I’m pretty sure this classifies as different computers, but you know that Cynthia…she’s just being thorough)
-Test with a dummy audience…like your friends.
-Test each media. Do it. The last thing you want is someone looking at a flash animation that doesn’t work.
I’ve run through all this stuff already, including the test of every page for proof that they work. Personally, I think windows machines suck…especially internet explorer. Excuse my bluntness, will ya?
Make it pretty. Yeah, you heard me.
Give it uniformity. Yeah, I said it.
Aim for legibility. Oh stop it, you know you want to.
Other than that, Baron makes a suggestion that I have seen in a few people’s blogs already….she suggests that we send out a postcard with one piece of work on it. Sounds strange, but I suppose it could work.
And on a final note, what you should do when you present:
Face your audience, speak up, make eye contact, show interest and enthusiasm, and BE PROUD OF YOUR WORK.
your portfolio
Otherwise, what are you really applying for?
‘nuff said.
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