Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Graduation Pictures

Me and my beautiful girlfriend Erin....too bad she blinked.

Who's this guy???

From left to right...

My Aunt Carol, my Uncle Joe, my Grandmother, ME!, my Mother, my girlfriend Erin, and my Father.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Is this the future of web design?

Check out the NEW official Dave Matthews Band website

Go ahead...tell me what you think.
Now, I have been an advocate and die hard fan of the DMB for a long time now and I have to say, this site is terrible. What on earth was Bama Rags thinking when they decided to let this site go live?

There are more glitches than I care to mention, and the site itself seems to lack an overall sense of good design.

But I look at the site and its components and think that it has plenty of potential. Faster internet connections and an updated Flash player could, potentially, make this site pretty damn good.

However, is this the future of web design? I mean, really, is this what we should expect to see from 'the big boys' of design?

Then you've got BurnDown media creating a website for The Spill Canvas which is way too dark for any actual content to be read.

I'm just confused. Both sites have great potential...but somehow they lack something totally different, yet equally important in their designs.

I'm just wondering if this is about as hip as it gets, and if it is...why on earth are these companies releasing their designs with so many design and technical flaws in them?

School has officially been over for me since last Friday...and I have to say...I have absolutely no idea what to do with myself.

There's no papers to write...
Nothing to contemplate...
No notes to take or reading to do...
No projects to worry about...
No finals to study for...

It's this overwhelming sense of freedom that has led me to do very little the past couple of days...except design and spend my time with a wonderful girl by the name of Erin.

But really...it's so hard to grasp the concept that it's ok to get on with the rest of my life now. No more putting school before my friends or before bowling. Now it's about finding a job...a job that I know I'll enjoy for years to come...and finding someone that will make me happy (I think I'm there already).

Does anyone agree with this? I mean, isn't it this huge rush of relief? And at the same time, isn't there a sweeping feeling of fear? It's an amazing set of feelings...the likes of which I have never experienced TOGETHER before.

Grades are beginning to roll in...
I suspect a 4.0 semester, but I'm not guaranteeing anything.